Explore some of my projects..

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MyFlix (An Angular Client App)
Angular | TypeScript | Angular-material | TypeDoc | Vercel

MyFlix is a single-page, responsive web app built with Angular and Material design. Hosted on Vercel, it demonstrates Angular development skills for an intuitive movie discovery experience.

JavaScript | NodeJS | Express | Morgan | CORS | MongoDB | JSDoc

Creating a REST API and non-relational database, this project explores NodeJS, SQL and NoSQL databases, and APIs. Hosted on Heroku, the API, enables user registration, authentication, and efficient movie management with advanced search capabilities.

CineFlix (A React Client App)
JavaScript | React | JSON | React-Bootstrap | PropTypes | Parcel | Netlify

The CineFlix is a responsive movie app for users to filter through a range of movies. It enables users to register, login, view movie details, add movies to favorites, and edit user profiles, ensuring an optimal experience across devices.

MeetBIT (A Progressive Web App)
React | Jest | Jest-Cucumber | Puppeteer | React toastify | Recharts | Atatus | OAuth | AWS lambda

MeetBIT App is a serverless, progressive web application (PWA) built with React using a test-driven development (TDD). The app uses the Google Calendar API to fetch upcoming events. It provides users access to different tech events and workshops around the world.

FmChat (A React Native App)
JavaScript | React Native | Android Studio | Expo | Google Firebase | Gifted chat

FmChat is a mobile app, developed with React Native, Expo, Firebase, and Gifted Chat, it offers real-time chat with customizable username and background color. Emphasizing privacy and simplicity, users can engage in anonymous chat sessions without creating an account.

PokeDex (A JavaScript App)
JavaScript | HTML | CSS | Bootstrap | Github-Pages

The PokeDex Web App, created with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, connects to the PokeAPI for a user-friendly Pokémon list. It allows searching by name and provides detailed information, demonstrating my front-end development expertise.